If you've been paying any attention to web innovations lately, you'll notice that clouds are the latest thing happening. But for those who have been paying attention - squirrel!- to other things, we'll explain the concept briefly. Cloud computing is resources, such as data or software, that are available on demand from a network rather than from the local computer. Say, you are working on a project, and need a certain piece of data that is on the cloud. You connect to the cloud, via interwebz, and get that data, and continue on your merry way.
So here's why there's so much buzz about it lately--Google has a cloud, Amazon has a cloud, Apple has a cloud, lotsa clouds out there. And lets face it, not every user is going to be using them for business--they are set to revolutionize the digital music industry, by allowing users to access their music files wherever they are. Everyone from Joe Businessman to little Billy Tween will be using them for work and pleasure.
Here's some articles about the different clouds:
iCloud casts shadow over other cloud services
Amazon Sees Many Winners in Cloud But Wants Top Spot in eBooks
Google Launches Cloud Music Service ‘Music Beta’
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